Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mr. President Say No to War With Iran

Here is a copy of the one page advertisement that the Iranian American Council posted a few weeks ago in the Washington Post. Several retired Generals and high ranking American military officials have signed a letter to Obama asking him to resist pressures on him to attack Iran. " Military action at this stage is not only unnecessary it is dangerous... We urge you to resist the pressure for a war of choice with Iran." the letter ends. This could be an indication of the pressures on Obama by the zionist lobby and AIPAC. It was published before a meeting of the leaders of both  countries (US and Israel ) last month.

Many observers believe that the American public  should start asking themselves finally who runs the foreign policy of their country; Americans or Israelis.  There is plenty of information and analysis available  in the internet on the influence of zionists in the Congress and Senate and how they are shaping US economy , media and foreign policy. It is a shame that the American public is not informed and/or is not sensitive about the future of their nation and particularly when it comes to sending their young people to war and sacrificing their lives, they are so impotent.
While the quantity of  propaganda, news items and analysis on war against Iran has been escalating during the past months a recent article in the Guardian serves as an eye-opener.
The IAEA chief has been accused of pro-western bias over Iran by several former Agency officials. They have warned of parallels between the Agency's current approach to Iran and its past mistakes over Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction. Wiki leaks documents also show that Amano is bending increasingly towards the US.
In these sensitive times it is important to remember that the UN and related bodies have an official responsibility and mandate to protect world peace. The American neocon and zionist lobby have taken the US to war for several times in this part of the world, the devastating consequences of which for humanity are immense.  It is now time that the UN takes a serious step to contain zionist  American politicians and to inform them that the Islamic Awakening or the Arab Spring however you name it, is a symbol of an end to Zionist hegemony in the middle east. The recent ruling of the Egyptian Parliament calling for a severance  of diplomatic relations with what they have called the "zionist entity" is a clear sign of this reality.
Nations are seeking freedom and dignity under the umbrella of their national and Islamic identity, not under foreign supremacy and rule. The international community should realize that despite the challenges Iranians face in Iran, they are strong and unified in the face of any external threat.  They should have known that threats of this kind  will not help to promote freedom or human rights in Iran, nor will it force Iran to relinquish its rights as a member of the international community.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Nowruz literally meaning "new day" is the most precise timing for the commencement of  spring according to the solar calendar. The Iranian new year coincides with the Equinox and the true shift in the earth's axis which leads to a change in climate and season. Nowruz is celebrated in many Central Asian countries where festivities continue for weeks.  As nature welcomes change and new life, Nowruz is the time for a revival of spirit and body. After weeks of Khanetakani or major housekeeping efforts, Iranians prepare a table of specialties beginning with S, or Haft Sin. Nowruz is a time for friendship and forgiveness, it is a time for cherishing the blessings of life and nature.
Iranians and many other nations who enjoy the Persian culture and civilization celebrate Nowruz , for this reason the UN has designated this day as an international celebration. We are celebrating Nowruz in difficult political and international times this year but Iranians worldwide pray and hope for peace and prosperity for all peoples in the world. Nowruz carries a message of the great Persian civilization and culture that has delivered great achievements for humanity and is a symbol of human dignity, freedom and greatness.

I hope that Nowruz will bring about change in the antagonism certain governments promote against Iran and help them to realize that Iranians are a peace loving nation, yet they are determined to protect their dignity and independence. I hope that in the coming year pressures and sanctions against Iran would subside and internal conditions would improve as a result.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Scent of Spring

The Scent of spring has filled the air. The weather is still cold at times but you can feel the change is coming. We just hope it comes in our hearts and in our minds as well. The sounds you hear have changed , as if the birds have flocked to welcome Nowruz, we witness their freedom in flight and song , and long for it. There are rumors that some prisoners will be granted a Nowruz family reunion and temporary freedom. We hope it is true....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Message of President Khatami to CPE Awards Ceremony

The Seventh Round of Dr. Taghi Ebtekar Environmental Awards were held by the Center for Peace and Environment in Tehran, on March 7, 2012.  Three awards were granted to researchers and journalists in the field of environment and natural resources while the Board of Referees granted three plaques of honor to NGOs and activists in this field as well.  Seyyed Mohammad Khatami  the former President of the Islamic Republic of Iran delivered a message to this ceremony , the text of which is as follows:

In the Name of Allah

Life is a great and unique blessing bestowed upon humans who are the sublime making of God and the hallmark of God’s creation.  God has summoned humans thus uplifting them from the individual level to an elevated personality and dignity and this call has been the summon of” life”. As the Holy Quran says:” O those who have believed, when God and the Prophet invite you to that which gives you life, then accept their invitation.”(Anfal 24)  It is clear that life in this context occupies a greater  and higher expanse than  only this worldly life. Even though life in this world is also very precious and the life of each person is as valuable as the life of all humanity. As the Holy Quran states “   the killing of a person for reasons other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption in the land is as great a sin as murdering all of mankind.” (Maede 32).
 This exclusive and matchless blessing of life is constantly threatened and its protection based on mores and reason  is a   prescribed  and universal responsibility . In our age the terms “ecosystem and environment”  have found a unique place in terms of the attention humans  pay and the worth that they attach to life and the threats that are  exclusive to our times.
Hunger , disease , war, discrimination and deprivation are the afflictions of a large part of the human society and the anxiety has ensued  in part, as a result of ignorance- which has diminished throughout history and thus its dire consequences. Also  in part,  these afflictions are due to the oppression ruling upon human societies  while  humans though out history have fought oppression and despite the setbacks  they have faced,  they have never relinquished the quest and effort for attaining freedom and justice for all.
Today hunger and disease and unsuccessful efforts to meet the essential needs of societies has afflicted many societies  also oppression, discrimination and deprivation of humans from their basic rights both in the internal scene of countries and in the international scene are the greatest enemies of humanity. The modern world is plagued by consumerism and the insatiable quest of the powers, who are equipped with technology , power and pride. They have begun  a race for technology as the base for material development and growth among nations, but  this has led to new forms of pollution and environmental degradation and has taken the human race and earth to the verge of destruction.
The degradation of natural resources , pressures on our life spaces and even pollutants in the air which seems to be nature’s complimentary gift to humans , has taken us to a dangerous situation.
Fortunately,  we are facing an unprecedented consensus in today world on the importance of protection of the environment and the need for sustainability and healthy environments. Even though this theoretical consensus has not translated into action and has not deterred many of the past and current trends of environmental destruction .
In addition, it is necessary to note that if humans are more sublime than nature and human life is not limited to this material world,  then in addition to the concerns that we have for this world and this life, we also need to be concerned about the spiritual life of humans. Therefore, followers of divine religions  particularly Islam, in addition to the emphasis laid upon protection of the environment ,have also stressed upon the need to protect the spiritual life and environment as well.  Undoubtedly, the prevalence of deceit, accusations, and insecurity as well as the growing gaps between people and their governments and the increasing mistrust against governments and their incompetence in running the affairs of their societies , are all reasons for increasing social ailments and are currently polluting our social environments in the vast sense of the word.
Here we are gathered to commemorate a dear person whose most prominent feature was his concern for human life and efforts to improve and safeguard the environment and cure the damages inflicted upon it. He strived to improve both the material and spiritual environment of our age.  Dear Dr Taghi Ebtekar is no longer among us but his memories persist.  Here I  must take note of the capabilities and efforts of his only successor  Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekar, who both during her productive tenure  at the Department of the Environment and after that has endeavored with passion and knowledge to find ways for the betterment of life for people and has rightfully attained the title of : Champion of the Earth” from the international community.

Seyyed Mohammad Khatami
Tehran, March ,7,2012.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"The Separation" Oscar Award

I had seen "The Separation " several months ago in Tehran. During the screening term the theaters in Tehran and other cities were so crowded that people had to queue for hours before they could purchase a ticket. At the same time a political film was screened with the support of the government aimed at mocking the opposition. The government tried to downplay the overwhelming response to the independent cinema represented by "The Separation". This smoothly flowing  film which centers on the theme of family ties and realities in Iran, points to the role of a "lie" in taking these families to the verge of disintegration. Asghar Farhadi, the Director has a strong talent in suspense, the viewer does not understand until the very end why the events occurred in such a manner.  "The Separation" won several awards in national competitions and the Fajr Festival. Later, the film was welcomed in several international film festivals, one of the most important of which was the Golden Globe. Now, a few nights ago Farhadi won the Oscar Award for Best Foreign Film at the 84th annual Academy Awards, becoming the first Iranian director to receive this award. In his acceptance speech Farhadi  proudly dedicated his award to the Iranian Nation.
He boldly noted :
At this time, many Iranians all over the world are watching us and I imagine them to be very happy. They are happy not just because of an important award or a film or filmmaker, but because at the time when talk of war, intimidation, and aggression is exchanged between politicians, the name of their country Iran is spoken here through her glorious culture, a rich and ancient culture that has been hidden under the heavy dust of politics. I proudly offer this award to the people of my country, a people who respect all cultures and civilizations and despise hostility and resentment.

This award became a beacon of hope for many people in difficult time the Iranian society is now facing.
Some analysts have indicated that Farhadi's message was a rebuke to war on all sides. In a world stage where Iran is repeatedly pressured and threatened to relinquish its peaceful nuclear energy plans, this Oscar award is an indication that the cinema industry and their leaders do not align themselves with the politicians on such issues.