Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Sacrifice

Eid Ghorban or Adha is an important occasion for Muslims worldwide . It is a commemoration of the  Abrahamic tradition. This day is the day when Abraham took to respond to his divine dreams;  to sacrifice his dearest son Esmail or Samuel. It was a  test of faith and steadfastness.
It was a demonstration  of Abraham's readiness to sacrifice his most cherished son and to stand in face of God  with a pure and dedicated heart. This purity and dedication he realizes is the key to human dignity and salvation. Abraham complies with the revelations he has from God but only to see that once he has dedicated his heart, the sacrifice of Esmail is abandoned and no longer required. Now, Muslims worldwide celebrate the victory of faith and purity that Abraham achieved.
This Eid is the culmination of Hajj and a ceremony, the rituals of which are enlightening and meaningful, not only  for Muslims but according to the Holy Quran, for all humanity.

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